Coronavirus likely spread to people from an animal -- but needs more study, new WHO report says

Coronavirus likely spread to people from an animal -- but needs more study, new WHO report says (

Coronavirus likely spread to people from an animal -- but needs more study, new WHO report says

The novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19 probably spread to people through an animal, and probably started spreading among humans no more than a month or two before it was noticed in December of 2019, according a new 120-page report from the World Health Organization.

But the search for the origin of the virus is ongoing.
"As far as WHO is concerned, all hypotheses remain on the table," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement Tuesday. "This report is a very important beginning, but it is not the end. We have not yet found the source of the virus, and we must continue to follow the science and leave no stone unturned as we do."
Submitted by mo2 on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 22:00